Saraswati Puja/Vasant Panchami

Once upon a time, there was a boy named Saraswath Sen Chakraborty who lived in the United Statesof America. He was 10 years old and he celebrated Saraswati Puja with his family every year, but henever took interest in learning about the origins of the puja. As he grew up, Saraswath’s curiosityincreased to know more […]
The Stationery

Once upon a time there lived a little girl named Olivia. Olivia had three sisters, Reyana, Stephanie, andIndiana. Olivia was 14, Stephanie was 12, Reyana was 9 and Indiana was 7. They lived in a city namedHeartville in the northeast of United States of America. Reyana and Stephanie were greedy sisters, butOlivia and Indiana were […]
The Friends of the Fynx

Once upon a time, there lived a gray old fynx. His tail barely, if ever, rose from its slumbering position.He never got excited, never got bored, never got hungry or thirsty. All he wanted to do was sleep andrest. When his friends came to visit him, all they saw was not a lively, energetic fynx […]
A True Friend

What I have learned the past year,I have no true friend, not one near.They always expect me to give,But never help in return.Whenever they need me, they holler and shout for my name!But when I am in need, they never help me. Why don’t I expect the same? What I want is a true friend.One […]